Academic Search Premier ( EBSCO )
An extensive collection of scholarly journal abstracts and full-text articles on a wide range of subjects. Access to this database is provided by the New Jersey State Library.
Access Academic Search Premier

African-American History ( Infobase )
Covering more than 500 years of the African-American experience, African-American History offers a fresh way to explore the full spectrum of African-American history and culture.
Access African-American History

American History ( Infobase )
Specially selected content on different eras and themes of American history—including articles, shareable slideshows, videos, and more—provide valuable study guides and entry points into the content.

American Indian History ( Infobase )
American Indian History offers fast access to more than 15,000 years of culture and history, covering more than 600 Native American groups, through videos and slideshows, images, biographies of key people, event and topic entries, primary sources, maps and graphs, and timelines.
Access American Indian History

Ancient & Medieval History ( Infobase )
The perfect complement to our Modern World History, Ancient and Medieval History offers thorough coverage of world history from prehistory through the mid-1500s, with a user-friendly interface and award-winning content.
Access Ancient & Medieval History

Bloom’s Literature Online ( Infobase )
This database provides access to Bloom’s Literature – an expansive collection that includes literary criticism, overviews, synopses, author biographies, and video performances of the great works.
Access Bloom’s Literature Online

Brainfuse HelpNow
Brainfuse HelpNow offers personalized academic assistance in core subjects (math, reading, writing, science), a 24/7 Writing Lab, academic content and practice tests for skills-building (including SAT preparation), and much more.

Brainfuse JobNow
Brainfuse JobNow is designed to support every step of the job search process, featuring live online coaches who assist in resume/cover letter preparation, and help patrons prepare for job interviews, as well as supplemental content including templates, career assessment exams, and more.

Business Source Elite ( EBSCO )
This business database provides full text for over 1,000 business publications. The rich collection of titles in Business Source Elite provides information dating back to 1985. More than 10,100 substantial company profiles from Datamonitor are also included.

Consumer Reports ( EBSCO )
Offers product reviews and includes articles on health, public safety, and regulatory actions that affect consumers. Access to this database is provided by the New Jersey State Library.
Please note: At this time, the checkbox to limit search to the last 2 years is not functioning properly. If you need further assistance, please call the library at (732) 632-8526.

Curriculum Resource Center ( Infobase )
Curriculum Resource Center gives teachers instant access to thousands of easily reproduced handouts to supplement text and lesson plans used in middle school, high school, and junior college classrooms.
Access Curriculum Resource Center
Driving Tests
Find free state-specific practice tests for driving exams.

Provides access to education literature and resources, with hundreds of thousands of full-text documents. Access to this database is provided by the New Jersey State Library.

Ferguson’s Career Guidance Center ( Infobase )
A comprehensive resource for career exploration and planning that allows users to quickly find the valuable career information they need, whether it’s industry and professions articles, school planning resources, or skills and career advice.
Access Ferguson’s Career Guidance Center

GreenFile ( EBSCO )
Well-researched information on topics including global climate change, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, recycling, and more. Access to this database is provided by the New Jersey State Library.

Health Reference Center ( Infobase )
Includes comprehensive, in-depth coverage of body systems, current health issues, major diseases and conditions, treatments, and procedures, as well as health and nutrition information specific to men, women, children, teens, and seniors.
Access Health Reference Center

Health Source: Consumer Edition
Provides access to full-text consumer health magazines and reference books. It also includes searchable full text for current health pamphlets. Access to this database is provided by the New Jersey State Library.
Access Health Source: Consumer Edition

Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition ( EBSCO )
Provides researchers, allied health professionals, nurses and medical educators with access to full-text scholarly journals focusing on many medical disciplines. Access to this database is provided by the New Jersey State Library.
Access Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition

Heritage Quest ( Jerseyclicks )
Delivers a comprehensive treasury of American genealogical sources, including the U.S. Federal Census from 1790-1940, Revolutionary War Records, U.S. Freedman’s Bank Records, and City Directories. Access to this database is provided by the New Jersey State Library.
Image Collection ( EBSCO )
A wide array of photos and maps, including contemporary and historical photos of people, places, and the natural kingdom. Access to this database is provided by the New Jersey State Library.

Issues & Controversies ( Infobase )
Issues & Controversies helps students and researchers understand today’s crucial issues by exploring hundreds of hot topics in politics, government, business, society, education, and popular culture.

Legal Information Reference Center ( EBSCO )
Offers coverage of a wide-range of legal issues. Includes exclusive full text for many top consumer legal reference books, as well as thousands of legal forms. Access to this database is provided by the New Jersey State Library.
Access Legal Information Reference Center

Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts ( EBSCO )
Indexes more than 700 journals. Subject coverage includes librarianship, classification, cataloging, online information retrieval, and information management. Access to this database is provided by the New Jersey State Library.
Access Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts

LinkedIn Learning
LinkedIn Learning, formerly Lynda.com, is an online educational site with thousands of courses and video tutorials that helps individuals grow business, technology, and creative skills.

Literary Reference Center ( EBSCO )
Provides users with a broad spectrum of information on thousands of authors and their works across literary disciplines and timeframes. Access to this database is provided by the New Jersey State Library.
Access Literary Reference Center

Local History Digital Archives
The library’s Local History Digital Archives include searchable, printable editions of the newspapers Metuchen Recorder (1900-1986) and Metuchen Review (1980-2003), the Metuchen High School Yearbooks (1921-1989), and the book Metuchen and Her History (1870).
Access Local History Digital Archives

Mango Languages
Learn languages in a fun and efficient way with real-life conversations, native-speaker audio and cultural context so you can speak like a local. Choose from 70 languages!

MasterFile Elite ( EBSCO )
Covers virtually every subject area and offers the full text for over 1,050 general reference publications, 52 reference books, and an image collection of over 502,000 photos, maps, and flags. Access to this database is provided by the New Jersey State Library.

Middle Search Plus ( EBSCO )
Includes the full text of popular middle school magazines, biographies and historical essays. The reading level of all included articles is indicated. Access to this database is provided by the New Jersey State Library.

Military & Government Collection ( EBSCO )
Covers current news pertaining to all branches of the military and government. Access to this database is provided by the New Jersey State Library.
Access Military & Government Collection

Modern World History ( Infobase )
Thousands of subject entries, biographies, images, videos and slideshows, maps and graphs, primary sources, and timelines combine to provide a detailed and comparative view of the people, places, events, and ideas that have defined modern world history.

Newspaper Source Plus ( EBSCO )
A full-text digital collection of the world’s major news content, including millions of articles from newspapers, newswires and news magazines.

NoveList ( EBSCO )
Perfect for fiction lovers, NoveList offers lists of award-winning books, book discussion guides, book talk guides, recommended reads, and more.

NoveList K-8 ( EBSCO )
NoveList K-8 is the resource for young readers to turn to when looking for the next book to read. Offers reading lists, award-winning titles, series coverage, and the ability to search for books by reading level.

Peterson’s Test and Career Prep ( Gale )
Access full-length, timed practice exams and explore articles with tips on applying, paying, and preparing for college. Explore career modules covering job search strategies, resumes, cover letters, and interviewing.
Access Peterson’s Test and Career Prep

Points of View Reference Center ( EBSCO )
Provides students with a series of essays that present multiple sides of a current issue. Features 200 topics, each with an overview, point and counterpoint.
Access Points of View Reference Center

Primary Search ( EBSCO )
Includes the full text of popular children’s magazines, easy-to-read encyclopedic entries, and a vast image collection. Access to this database is provided by the New Jersey State Library.

Reference Solutions ( formerly Reference USA )
The leading source for business and residential data in the United States. Helps users search for jobs, locate specific people, and research U.S. businesses and healthcare providers. Access to this database is provided by the New Jersey State Library.

Referencia Latina ( EBSCO )
Esta base de datos en español ofrece contenido de libros de referencia, revistas de interés general e informes de salud. Access to this database is provided by the New Jersey State Library.

Regional Business News ( EBSCO )
Provides full-text coverage of regional business publications, including business journals, newspapers, and newswires. Updated daily. Access to this database is provided by the New Jersey State Library.

Science Online ( Infobase )
Science Online offers expansive reference coverage of the full range of scientific disciplines through extensive essays, videos, diagrams, definitions, interactives, and experiments.

Small Business Reference Center ( EBSCO )
A comprehensive resource for small business owners, offering support in the areas of planning, financing and managing a business, as well as exit strategies. Access to this database is provided by the New Jersey State Library.
Access Small Business Reference Center

Teacher Reference Center ( EBSCO )
Provides indexing and abstracts of more than 200 peer-reviewed journals focusing on education. Access to this database is provided by the New Jersey State Library.
Access Teacher Reference Center

Today’s Science ( Infobase )
Today’s Science bridges the gap between the science taught in class and real-world discoveries by leading scientists—giving comprehensive and in-depth explanations of some of the most important advances in biology, chemistry, environmental science, space, physics, and technology.

Universal Class
Universal Class offers over 500 online continuing education courses taught by real instructors with 24/7 access via the internet. Video-based courses include arts and photography, business, career training, crafts & hobbies, how-to, office skills, pet and animal care, self-help, teacher tools, and many more! Continuing Education Units (CEU) are available on selected courses. Enter your Metuchen Library Card No. to create an account. Once the account is set up, you may log in with your username and password. You can enroll in up to five courses at a time and have six months to finish each course.

World Almanac for Kids ( Infobase )
The World Almanac® for Kids is the ideal one-stop reference resource for intermediate-level students. Erasing the line between homework support and fun exploration, it contains excellent resources for student reports and research, including extensive, up-to-date articles; videos; interactive games; science projects; and Homework Help; plus Teacher Resources with lesson plans.

World Geography & Culture ( Infobase )
World Geography and Culture is the definitive resource for the study of countries, cultures, and geography concepts and skills. Every country of the world is profiled in depth, covering all aspects of its geography, history, society, and culture. At-a-glance information, maps and flags, videos, images, gazetteer entries, biographies of famous people, a timeline, and current news supplement each country profile.
Access World Geography & Culture