Careers & Jobs
Brainfuse JobNow
Brainfuse JobNow is designed to support every step of the job search process, featuring live online coaches who assist in resume/cover letter preparation, and help patrons prepare for job interviews, as well as supplemental content including templates, career assessment exams, and more.
Ferguson’s Career Guidance Center ( Infobase )
A comprehensive resource for career exploration and planning that allows users to quickly find the valuable career information they need, whether it’s industry and professions articles, school planning resources, or skills and career advice.
Access Ferguson’s Career Guidance Center
Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition ( EBSCO )
Provides researchers, allied health professionals, nurses and medical educators with access to full-text scholarly journals focusing on many medical disciplines. Access to this database is provided by the New Jersey State Library.
Access Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition
Peterson’s Test and Career Prep ( Gale )
Access full-length, timed practice exams and explore articles with tips on applying, paying, and preparing for college. Explore career modules covering job search strategies, resumes, cover letters, and interviewing.
Access Peterson’s Test and Career Prep