Health & Science
GreenFile ( EBSCO )
Well-researched information on topics including global climate change, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, recycling, and more. Access to this database is provided by the New Jersey State Library.
Health Reference Center ( Infobase )
Includes comprehensive, in-depth coverage of body systems, current health issues, major diseases and conditions, treatments, and procedures, as well as health and nutrition information specific to men, women, children, teens, and seniors.
Access Health Reference Center
Health Source: Consumer Edition
Provides access to full-text consumer health magazines and reference books. It also includes searchable full text for current health pamphlets. Access to this database is provided by the New Jersey State Library.
Access Health Source: Consumer Edition
Science Online ( Infobase )
Science Online offers expansive reference coverage of the full range of scientific disciplines through extensive essays, videos, diagrams, definitions, interactives, and experiments.
Today’s Science ( Infobase )
Today’s Science bridges the gap between the science taught in class and real-world discoveries by leading scientists—giving comprehensive and in-depth explanations of some of the most important advances in biology, chemistry, environmental science, space, physics, and technology.