Metuchen Public Library
Meeting Room Policy
The Board of Trustees of the Metuchen Public Library encourages community groups to use the Library’s meeting rooms, in accordance with the following policy:
All organizations using the meeting rooms must present a Certificate of Insurance prior to the use of the room, reflecting liability insurance coverage of $1,000,000. Organizations in which membership is based upon appointment by the governing body of Metuchen, or which are directly related to the Metuchen Public Library or the Borough of Metuchen, are exempt.
- The meeting rooms may be used by all non-profit organizations of Metuchen Borough and by other non-profit organizations serving primarily Metuchen residents with the goal of providing its resources and facilities for the educational, cultural and social activities of the Borough. They may not be used for meetings that are commercial in their nature.
- Admission fees may not be charged nor materials sold, with the exception of events and activities organized by the Metuchen Area Chamber of Commerce with the approval from the Library Director and fund-raisers sponsored by the Friends of the Metuchen Library.
- Two rooms are available:
– One meeting room on the upper floor of the original building, which is designated the Community Room.
– One room on the lower level, which is designated the Activities Room. - The Community Room facilities include: 65 chairs, folding tables, wall-mounted movie screen, lectern, piano, and an American flag.
- The Activities Room facilities include: 15 chairs and two tables.
- The meeting rooms are available during business hours only. Meetings must close 15 minutes before the closing of the library. The library reserves the right to cancel or terminate any meeting in the event of an emergency, i.e. loss of power, snowstorm, etc.
- Priority will be given to Library-sponsored activities. In rare instances, a scheduled meeting of an outside group may need to be canceled because of a library priority.
- Non-profit organizations of Metuchen Borough may submit an application 60 days in advance to reserve space and provide proof of insurance. Out-of-town groups may apply to use a meeting room 30 days in advance of their meeting date, thus allowing Metuchen Borough groups the first opportunity to use the Library facilities.
- Metuchen Borough applicants must submit their Metuchen Public Library card number with the application.
- An application for the use of a library meeting room must be filed and approved by the Library Director and/or the Library Board of Trustees.
- Reservations may be made in person or in writing. The Meeting Room Application Form can be downloaded from the Library’s website or may be obtained at the Library.
- Reservations will be accepted in the order which they are received.
- The Meeting Room Application Form and Certificate of Insurance (submitted with the Meeting Room Application) must be completed and on file before the meeting.
- The use of the name, address or telephone number of the Metuchen Public Library as the address or headquarters for any group or organization using the Library for meeting purposes is prohibited.
- The Library cannot guarantee the space for regular meetings.
- No group may transfer use of the reserved room to another group.
- Submission of the Meeting Room Application does not constitute approval for room use. The applicant will be contacted by the Library Director or his/her agent if use of the room is approved.
- Permission to use the room does not constitute library endorsement of the user’s policies or beliefs.
- Library reserves the right to cancel any reservation of the Community Room or the Activities Room.
- The room arrangement, setup and cleanup are the responsibility of the organization using the room.
- If chairs are used in the Community Room, they must be set up before the meeting and stacked in the corner at the end of the meeting.
- Any group using a meeting room assumes responsibility for any damage to the room or its contents, through its officers or the individual who signs the application.
- For statistical purposes, we ask that the group using a meeting room record the total attendance and report back to the staff at the front desk.
- The Board of Trustees assumes no liability for injury to a person or damage to the property of the organization or its members.
- Attendance is normally limited by the number of chairs available. In special cases, such as children being seated on the floor, the number may be increased BUT NOT TO EXCEED 85 in the Community Room or 45 in the Activities Room.
- Drinking and serving of alcoholic beverages is not permitted except for Library fund raising events sponsored by approved non-profit organizations such as, the Friends of the Library, during Library off hours and with the permission of the Director.
- Smoking is prohibited in all areas in the Library or on Library grounds.
- Open flames, including candles, are prohibited in all areas in the Library or on Library grounds.
- No additional furniture or equipment, other than supplied by the Library, is to be used without prior approval.
- Activities involving more than normal wear and tear on the rooms will not be permitted. Please note that use of the Library meeting rooms is a privilege, not a right. Please abide by the policies and regulations or the privilege may be withdrawn.The Library Board of Trustees is glad to offer this facility for your use without charge. However, a contribution toward the maintenance and upkeep of the room would be appreciated.
Revised and Adopted 5/6/86, 10/11/89, 11/30/95, 5/4/04
Revised with 1st Reading 1/14/14
Revised with 2nd Reading and adopted 2/11/14
Revised and Adopted 4/12/2016
Revised and Adopted 5/9/2017