Metuchen Public Library

Photo Opt Out Policy

Metuchen Public Library may use photographs, photographic images, names, and audio and video recordings of employees and library users for general publicity in publications, public relations, promotions, and publicity. Any employees or library users (or the parents or guardians of such persons, if under age 18) who do NOT want to be interviewed, photographed or recorded, or to have their names or voices used in connection with any such recording, must complete a Photo Opt Out Release form and return it to the main service desk.

Unless a fully executed Photo Opt Out Release form is on file, your image and/or likeness may at any time be captured by still photography, videography, or other photographic or electronic means. The library reserves the right to use any such image, photograph, video, or the like for any library-related purpose, including but not limited to promoting and publicizing on behalf of the Library in print publications, on the Internet, or in other media such as signage and/or presentations.

Also, your presence in or around library facilities and/or properties, as well as at off site library-sponsored events, constitutes your consent to the capture and/or use of your image and/or voice by Metuchen Public Library, and waives any claims or rights, whether in law or in equity.

Employees or library users who do NOT want to be photographed or recorded, and who submit a completed Photo Opt Out Release form, are responsible for removing themselves from the area in which photographing/recording is occurring, or notifying the camera operator of their opt-out status. Failure to do so may result in the employees’ or library users’ inclusion in a photograph or recording; it will be deemed equivalent to a release, and will allow the library to use that photograph or recording as it chooses.

1st Reading 4/14/2015
2nd Reading and Adopted 5/12/2015

The Photo Opt Out Release form can be obtained at the library’s main service desk.