Metuchen Public Library

Proctoring Policy

The proctoring of examinations is a service offered by the Metuchen Public Library. The library will offer proctoring services based on the availability of personnel, facilities and technology.


Students who are registered library card holders in good standing with the Metuchen Public Library or libraries within the Libraries of Middlesex Automation Consortium are eligible for this service.


  • Metuchen residents – $5 for each exam.
  • Non-Metuchen residents – $25 for each exam.
  • Fee for computer use, printing, postage or FAX will be included.
  • No special deliveries, emails, or grading of exams will be done.
  • Payment by cash or check only, due on the scheduled date of the exam.


  • Regular library activities will take precedence over proctoring services.
  • To arrange to have an exam proctored, the student should fill out the Application for Proctoring Services form and return it to the Library. A librarian will then contact the student to make an appointment to meet and to complete the necessary paperwork required by the student’s school. The student has to complete any preliminary paperwork at least one week before the date of the exam.
  • Students who show up for proctoring without appointments will not be considered.
  • Exams will be scheduled during the proctor’s regular work hours.
  • Proctors will not monitor a student continuously during an exam, but may check on the student periodically. The Library does not guarantee that a quiet study room will be provided.
  • Proctors will enforce any time limits that are placed on the exam, as well as other rules set forth in the examination materials. The use of cell phones or consultation with others is prohibited. Any perceived violation of posted exam rules will be reported to the educational institution.
  • Exams must be completed 15 minutes before the library closes.
  • All exams should be mailed to the Metuchen Public Library, Attn: Reference Librarian, 480 Middlesex Ave, Metuchen, NJ 8840.
  • Any exams not taken as scheduled will be held for one week and then returned to the school.
  • Librarians cannot proctor exams that students bring in themselves.
  • Librarians will not sign a proctoring verification that attests to more than the staff member has been able to do.
  • The Metuchen Public Library will not be responsible for any delayed tests, nor for any completed tests once they leave the library’s possession and have been mailed back to the educational institution.
  • The Library will not be responsible for tests that are interrupted by Library emergencies, power failures, or computer hardware or software failures.
  • The Library reserves the right to substitute a proctor in the event of the original proctor’s absence.


  • Students must complete any preliminary paperwork at least one week before the date of the exam.
  • Students will be required to present a valid picture I.D. at the time of the exam.
  • Students taking exams are responsible for ensuring that all necessary exam materials and documentation reach the library prior to the exam date.
  • Students are responsible for ensuring that the library’s proctoring policy meets the guidelines set by the institution administering the test.
  • Students must ensure that the library’s computing resources are adequate for the examination’s test-taking requirements. The library cannot be responsible for internet connections or software errors.
  • Students should be aware of the library’s hours so that they arrive in time and use their full allotment of time for the exam. Rescheduling of exams for students who do not show up will be at the convenience of the library. The library may refer them to their educational institution, or to other local sites.
  • Completed exams will be returned to the testing institution only via the envelope or packaging provided by the student or institution. Copies of exams will not be retained by the library.

1st Reading 1/14/14
2nd Reading and adopted 2/11/14

Please call the Library at 732-632-8526 or email Eunkyoung “E.K.” Ju at in case of cancellation or rescheduling.

Please use the online form below or print the Proctoring Services form and bring it to the library.

Payment by cash or check is only due on the scheduled date of the exam.

Please read the Proctoring Services Policy carefully before agreeing to the statement below: