Metuchen Public Library

Seed Library Policy

The Metuchen Seed Library is a community collaboration between Metuchen Public Library, the Garden Club of Metuchen, and other local volunteer plant enthusiasts.

Established in January 2023, the Seed Library helps promote self-reliance and sustainability, encourages sharing of knowledge and resources, supports genetic biodiversity, and helps restore native plant varieties to Metuchen and the surrounding areas. Seed Libraries may help to reduce hunger and promote nutrition by encouraging people to grow their food.

The Metuchen Seed Library is an easy way for community members to donate and receive seeds. The Library will catalog the donated seeds and offer them for free to anyone who wants them.

Seed Library Guidelines for Use

Do I need a Metuchen Library card to use the seed library?
No, you do not need a library card. However, if you are a Metuchen resident, we encourage you to apply for a free Metuchen Library car

How do I take seeds?
The Seed Library operates on the honor system. You may open the drawers of the Seed Library and browse what’s available.

Please record which seed packets you take in the Seed Library Log located near the Seed Library, along with the date, the town of residence, and suggestions for future inventory.  The inventory list will be kept up-to-date and made available on the website for access.

How many seed packets can I take?
Please take no more than 5 seed packets each time you visit the Seed Library.

What if my seeds do not germinate?
The library cannot guarantee that seeds will germinate.

Do I need to donate seeds in order to receive seeds?
No, you are not required to donate seeds. However, we hope you will consider harvesting seeds at the end of the growing season and donating them back to the Seed Library!

Where and how do I donate seeds?
The Seed Library accepts only untreated, non-hybrid seeds that you have either purchased or saved from flowers, herbs, or vegetables.** We are most interested in native plants, plants that attract pollinators, and edible plants. Please complete a donation form and attach to your envelope containing the donated seeds. Seed donation forms are available near the Seed Library. You will need to provide the following information:

  1. Your name and either phone # or email
  2. Plant name & variety (if applicable). Scientific names are very helpful.
  3. Year seeds were harvested
  4. Are the seeds heirloom?
  5. Are the seeds organic or non-GMO?

**We DO NOT ACCEPT any of the following:

  • Seeds are more than two years old
  • Treated seeds
  • Hybrid varieties
  • Patented seeds or seeds protected by the Plant Variety Protection Act. (For more information, please visit the US Department of Agriculture website.)

1st Reading-February 14, 2023
2nd Reading and adopted-March 14, 2023